The Office of Academic and Educational Affairs is responsible for developing policies, procedures and regulations related to the academic, educational and organizational aspects of the university and following up with their implementation in coordination with the deans of the various faculties. The Office duties include the following:
- Supervising the preparation of the university academic strategic plan and following up on its implementation.
- Following up with the study plans in all academic programs and working on updating the academic curricula whenever necessary in coordination with the deans of the Faculties.
- Setting general criteria for the selection of academic staff members in all faculties.
- Supervising the implementation of the academic supervisors program in all academic departments.
- Monitoring the application of the requirements of quality assurance standards with regard to all educational and academic programs.
- Fostering the development of scientific research methods at the university.
- Encouraging Integration and academic cooperation among the deans of Faculties at the university.
- Establish mutual academic and educational relations with similar institutions locally and internationally.
- Submitting an annual report on the progress of the academic processes and programs to the University Academic Council.