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Mediterranean International University

Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences


The Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences aspires to create a balance between the market demands for qualified human resources and the skills required of them to perform their jobs, in favor of the advancement of public and private institutions alike. The Faculty also offers access to competitive opportunities through the preparation of specialists in management and accounting sciences. It seeks to provide opportunities for academic education based on the requirements of quality assurance.

The Faculty offers a bachelor’s degree in Management, Accounting, and Finance and Islamic Banking. Students have to complete successfully 126 credit hours of the required academic courses for each specialty with an AGPA not less than 2.00 out of 4.00 points.


Achieving excellence locally, regionally and internationally by providing significant academic programs and carry out research activities in the fields of management, accounting, and financial sciences in accordance with the vision of the university.


The faculty mission is centered on preparing qualified graduates equipped with the skills for research and creative thinking and able to compete both locally and internationally to meet domestic market needs, in particular, and the international market, in general; focusing on supporting scientific research and development; building partnerships with other faculties and universities and taking advantage of the expertise in private and public sectors’ institutions; and utilizing information and computer technology in the development of administrative and financial systems.


The objectives of the Faculty programs are to

  1. preparedistinguished and qualifiedgraduates, able toresearch and innovate, andready emotionally and academicallyto perform their dutiesto serve the community.
  2. develop and disseminate administrative and financialknowledge throughscientificresearchto contribute to theadvancement ofsocietyand solve problemsin the work environment.
  3. build the capacity of students’ abilitiesand skills through the provision of a promisinglearning environmentto enable them to search and study problems, employing the scientificmethodsand theanalytical and creative ways to reach conclusions.
  4. buildpartnerships with otherfaculties and the private and publicsectorsso as to contributeto the development ofapplied research, consultancy and
  5. employinformation and communicationtechnologyfor use inthe development ofthe concept ofe-governanceto facilitatethe exchange of experiencesand academicand scientific consultancyon the localand international levels.
  6. prepare anddesignappropriate scientificprograms that willprovide an opportunity foroutstanding studentstopursue post-graduatestudies.
  7. establish a spirit of positive competition among students by launching cultural, artistic and sports activities inside and outside the university at the local, regional and international levels.
  8. disseminate awareness among students regarding the delivery of the results and recommendations of their scientific research and proposals to public and private institutions for solutions to the problems studied that will contribute to the advancement of these institutions.